Bucket Lists

2013년 10월 13일 일요일

Itaewon Global Village Festival (이태원지구촌축제)

The Itaewon Global Village Festival, held every fall, brings together a fun mix of Korean traditions and foreign cultures and stands out as one of the most internationally diverse celebrations of Seoul. It is indeed a fantastic multicultural event where people learn about and experience different culturals. A range of events take place during the festival beginning with an opening ceremony, performances of traditional dance from home and abroad as well as the Global Food Festival which runs throughout the weekend.

There are so many people who tried to taste the global food, so it was so crowded. In the night, the street became the club. People were singing and dancing together. The entrance fee is free, and the price of the foods are reasonable for me. :D

2013년 10월 11일 금요일





Hi, everyone :)
I went to ABIKO in Doosan tower near dongdaemun staion. My university friend is working for Doosan in Doosan tower, so I visited him to have a dinner together. 

 This is Doosan Tower which is very famous for the clothes shops. 

Food court is located on the 7th flooer and the ABIKO is at the end of corner.  
 I ordered Curry with Cuttlet. In this restaurant, you can choose the spicy level. Level 4 is extremely spicy, so I selected level 3. (This level is still very hot for foreigners, so I recommend level 1 or 2 if you don't like spicy food) It looks just ordinary curry, but you will experience new world once you try. 

Ah, in this shop, you can shoose the topping like SUBWAY SANDWICH. In my case, I recommend MENCH GGAS or BIG SOUSSAGE as the topping. But it totally depends on personal taste.  Anyway, I enjoyed my dinner with my friend and it was so satisfied. 

It was rainny when we finished our meal. Above picture is the rainny scenery from the ceiling window. It's so beautiful. 

2013년 10월 10일 목요일

Crayon Pop : BBABBABBA!!!!

Have you ever watched the Crayon POP who is Korean dancing group? These ladies are so crazy. No need to explain!! Just click the below.


They show the bizarre dance like piston movement in the engine. It was so funny and cute for me!! These days they are getting popular in Korea. Expecting the next title. Haha!!

2013년 10월 8일 화요일

[2013 Nov Festival] Seoul Photo Festival!! :D

Today, I'd like to introduce the Nov Festival in Seoul. November is the slow & quiet month, so it's difficult to find something exciting. 


There is photo festival near City Hall. Plz take a look for the below official blog. 

You can check how the Seoul has been changed. From OLD Seoul with my grandfa, grand ma to NEW Seoul with our people right now. 

# Period : 2013. 11. 1 Fri - 2013. 12. 1 Sun

If you like to fall in love with autumn in Seoul, you can find special attractiveness via the camera lens with feeling. I also plan to take a calm relax in the weekend by going around Seoul. :D

2013년 10월 6일 일요일

Dongwha Banjum near Dongdaemun


I'd like to introduce the Chinese restaurant near GOOD MORNING SHOPPING MALL. Why Chinese? Actually this kind of Chinese restaurant doesn't exist in China!! This has been localized in Korea. We call this "중국집(Joong-Gook-Jib)". There are most famous foods here : "짜장면(JJajangmyun)" and "짬뽕(JJampong)". For foreigners, it's quite difficult to pronounce these names. But they are absolutely worth to try. This is not just for my personal taste, but also for the attractiveness by themselves. Below shop "동화반점(DONG HWA BANJUM) is very famous restaurant in Dongdaemun. 

[짬뽕] JJangBBong : Spicy seafood noodle
 짬뽕(JJAMBBONG) is very famous food for Korean. Korean usually choose this food if they like the spicy food. (Or people sometimes try this food to sober up, Haha!) Taste is quite spicy and little salty. There are many kind of seafood such as crab, shrimp, cram and so on.

[짜장면] JJajangmyun : Black bean sauce noodles

짜장면(JJajangmyun) is most famous in this restaurant. Taste is little salty and sweet. Ingredients are black source which is made by "춘장" from China, bean, fork and noodle. You cannot try this food in China, it's only possible to have in Korea!! :D I strongly recommend this food for foreigners who are not used to spicy food in Korea. 

 TIP : When you had the food and get out of the restaurant, there is very small amusement park. We call this "DISCO JUMP". It's quite fun! But plz do not try after you had meal. You might can check what you had in the restaurant. Haha!! :-)

2013년 10월 5일 토요일


Dongdaemun is the biggest shopping mall in Korea. There are two type of market in the same place. 

1) SHOPPING MALL : You can easily find many shops & restaurants which is served by company. It's impossible to negotiate the price due to the price tag system. If you are good negotiator (or want to try to find a fun for discount), I recommend the traditional market near this shopping mall. From my point of view, foreigners usually go to the shopping malls, but domestics try the traditional market first. If you have the nice eye, you can find what you want for the lower price, even the quality is almost same. 

2) Traditional Market : Good product for cheap price!!!
There are many self-employeed shops just near the Dongdaemun shopping mall. Do not buy the clothes or shoes for the price that the seller offer at the first time. There is the room to negotiate the price. I cannot say that how much you can get the discount because it depends on the goods and merchant. HOWEVER, I usually get whatever I want for the lower price compared with the shopping mall. 

2013년 10월 4일 금요일

Welcome to my lovely flat in Korea :D

Hi, everyone. This is Chris in Seoul. Love to travel : Canada, United States and Japan.

I love to meet many people with diffrent background and interests. 

It's because I can experience a veriety of cultures and diffrent languages. 

This always helps me to widen my perspectives. 

So I always welcome the world travelers!! 

Anyway, I recently opened my apartment. 

I hope my place is suitable for your enjoyable trip. 

I'm very outgoing and friendly and ready to support your best trip in Seoul. 

Plz feel free to contact me :-D ENJOY SEOUL as much as you want and 

Get a fantastic memory in this cozy place!!! :-D