Bucket Lists

2013년 10월 6일 일요일

Dongwha Banjum near Dongdaemun


I'd like to introduce the Chinese restaurant near GOOD MORNING SHOPPING MALL. Why Chinese? Actually this kind of Chinese restaurant doesn't exist in China!! This has been localized in Korea. We call this "중국집(Joong-Gook-Jib)". There are most famous foods here : "짜장면(JJajangmyun)" and "짬뽕(JJampong)". For foreigners, it's quite difficult to pronounce these names. But they are absolutely worth to try. This is not just for my personal taste, but also for the attractiveness by themselves. Below shop "동화반점(DONG HWA BANJUM) is very famous restaurant in Dongdaemun. 

[짬뽕] JJangBBong : Spicy seafood noodle
 짬뽕(JJAMBBONG) is very famous food for Korean. Korean usually choose this food if they like the spicy food. (Or people sometimes try this food to sober up, Haha!) Taste is quite spicy and little salty. There are many kind of seafood such as crab, shrimp, cram and so on.

[짜장면] JJajangmyun : Black bean sauce noodles

짜장면(JJajangmyun) is most famous in this restaurant. Taste is little salty and sweet. Ingredients are black source which is made by "춘장" from China, bean, fork and noodle. You cannot try this food in China, it's only possible to have in Korea!! :D I strongly recommend this food for foreigners who are not used to spicy food in Korea. 

 TIP : When you had the food and get out of the restaurant, there is very small amusement park. We call this "DISCO JUMP". It's quite fun! But plz do not try after you had meal. You might can check what you had in the restaurant. Haha!! :-)

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